CH Pelden vom Sunnestärn, Ben, lives with Judy Gard in Australia |
This is a pic of Ben winning best of breed at Melbourne Royal this tear . Also his son Barrajy Look No Further THan Me " Seamus" who also won puppy of breed . I didnt get the five Royal wins but only four. Seamus was entered in three for three puppy of breeds. Ben is Top Tibetan Spaniel in our point score for this year. He is being chased by one of his sons in Qld. His name is Ch Barrajy Dare To Be Different These dogs have certainly changed Tibbies in Australia. Ben is ALMOST through to his Grand Champion. A hard thing to do for a Tibbie in Australia,but he wont quite get there before the end of the year so will pull him out over summer ( he hates the heat) and finish him in the Autumn Hope every thing is good for you and your family and Tibbies in your part of the world Kind Regards Judy |
Pelden vom Sunnestärn:Melbourne Royal Show 2009 Best of Breed |
Brisbane Royal Show 2009, Best of Breed |